Saturday 1 October 2016

10 Hacks To Lose 10 pounds in One Week

10 Hacks To Lose 10 pounds in One Week

1. Drink Lemon Water Each Morning

Lemon water is renowned for helping with weight loss. It speeds up the metabolism and gets your body fired up for the day and ready to burn off fat!
A lemon drink is a great boost to your metabolism. You should stir three teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice into a glass of water. This should then be drunk as soon as you wake, before you have anything else to eat or drink. This drink is very effective at removing toxins from your body and will also help to cleanse your liver.

2. Eat The Right Foods For Breakfast

In order to lose 10 pounds in 7 days, you need to eat the right meals for breakfast. Try these healthy options that are designed to help you lose weight quickly.
Eating the right breakfast can help to set you up for the rest of the day. A combination of fruit and nuts is often the best choice. Stick with citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, and mix it up with some apples.
If you find that you are still feeling hungry after you have eaten your fruit, then eat some almonds or hazelnuts that will provide you with the good type of fat.

3. Your Lunch Should Be Full Of Healthy Fats and Protein

Exactly what to eat for lunch if you want to lose 10 pounds in one week. These meal options are perfect to help you lose weight quickly.
Opt for eggs wherever possible as this will provide you with the protein that you need. Greek yoghurt, coconut and avocadoes can also add some great protein and fats to your meals. Eating a lunch that is full of fat and protein can help to keep you full for at least four hours, which will see you through to the middle of the afternoon.
Ninja Tip: create delicious snacks like "Fat Bombs"​ that maintain you through the day. I'm addicted to a ketogenic truffle made of organic extra virgin coconut oil and raw cacao powder: 
how to make fat bomb

4. Healthy Snacking Is OK

Snacking throughout the day helps keep your metabolism high and is recommended for losing weight fast.
There will probably come a point during the middle of the afternoon where you find yourself getting hungry. A snack at this point is a good idea because it can stop you overeating at dinner. As long as you ensure that the snack is healthy, then this will not slow down your weight loss, it can actually help to increase it. A ketogenic fat bomb like I mentioned before is a great example.
Ninja Tip: ​If you don't have time to prepare your snacks, make sure you don't fall into the quick junk food trap. Be prepared by always carrying some superfood bars in your bag, like these delicious bars with chia seeds!

5. Don't Eat Dinner Too Late

A great strategy to help you drop weight as quickly as possible is to eat your dinner before 7pm at night. Late night meals often lead to fat storage.
You need to give your body time to digest your dinner properly before you go to bed, and therefore it should really be eaten before 6pm, or as close to this time as possible. You should always leave at least an hour before eating and going to bed.
Ninja Tip: Stock up on a natural digestion tea to soothe your​ bowels and stimulate your metabolism - sipping dandelion root tea has become one of my favorite quiet down rituals before bedtime.

6. A Simple Dinner Is Adequate

Having some form of protein for your dinner, such as eggs with a salad is all that is required to provide you with the nutrients that you need for the end of the day. If you are going to have a dressing on your salad, make sure that it is oil based and stay away from any dressing that contains cream. 

7. Start Drinking Green Tea

green tea weightloss
This is one of the best things that you can drink when you want to speed up your metabolism and lose weight. After dinner is the ideal time to drink it as you will not be having anything else to eat which would replace the calories that you are losing. It comes in a variety of flavors so you should find one that you enjoy drinking. I prefer the organic full leaf tea,

8. All Other Drinks Should Be Water Based

Healthy Drinks
Water itself is the best choice, but stay away from artificially flavored water as this often contains high amounts of sugar. As an alternative, go for these easy-to-make fruit infused waters. If you are drinking tea and coffee then just keep an eye on the amount of milk that you are adding, as the calories in this can soon start to add up. If you usually have sugar in your tea or coffee, then try and use a non-toxic sweetener instead, like stevia or xylitol.

9. Workout At Least Twice A Week

minimal exercise for busy people
These workouts should be moderate resistance as this will allow you to build up your muscle mass. There are a number of exercise plans that you can do at home, so you don't necessarily need to join a gym. You can come a long way with just a small amount of exercise. You will also find a number of tips online for increasing the amount of exercise you can get by just making simple changes to your daily routine. 

10. Give Yourself A Day Off

chocolate dessert
If you are constantly depriving yourself of your favorite foods, then you are going to find it hard to stick to your diet for any real length of time. Allowing yourself one day a week where you can eat this food can stop these feelings of deprivation. It can also help to keep your metabolism high, as over time it may slow if you become used to eating less calories.
If you try sticking to this routine for one week, you may be surprised at the amount of weight that you have lost. And if you continue to follow this plan, you should continue to lose weight.

lose 10 pounds

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