Saturday 1 October 2016

Yummy Banana Smoothie that Burns Belly Fat – Easy Recipe

Yummy Banana Smoothie that Burns Belly Fat – Easy Recipe

bananas weight loss
Bananas are the king of fruits, I’ve heard once. You can combine a banana with absolutely any other fruit and still get that satisfying taste you’ve grown to love. And there are good reasons to eat bananas: they hold a lot of potassium, which means that they can help you detoxify your system everyday.
Not a lot of people however, know that bananas are one of those fruits that can aid in weight loss. And some think they are actually fattening. Not true. They supply resistant starch and lots of healthy fiber. They are a natural appetite suppressant and are perfect for cleansing your system everyday. 
Bananas are a highly nutritious (for instance vitamines B6 and C) and low-energy-density food, which is great for shedding pounds. And that all ads up to a load off your belly area. Now, pair the banana with other known slimming ingredients like lemons and ginger, and you’re unstoppable!

Flat-Belly Smoothie Recipe

Here is a recipe I always use after a period of bulging out. Now, it’s not really that strict, so feel free to tweak an ingredient or two, to agree with your taste. I guarantee you, each of these ingredients in this smoothie will contribute to a yummy fat busting experience. Drink it everyday in order to get the results you need.
smoothie recipe for flat belly
All you have to do is mix the ingredients (in no particular order) into a blender and mix until everything is well blended together. Done 🙂
Now, the optimal effect of this smoothie lies in the fact that you will replace a full meal with this drink. And if you want to keep losing weight, it is also best to engage yourself in any form of exercise after drinking it. Even a little routine every day can do wonders. The success of any weight loss program depends on your determination to lose weight. While this smoothie can definitely help getting rid of your muffin top, to sustain weight loss you need to make more changes in your lifestyle.
I genuinely wish that your crusade against belly fat ends in success, and that you can carry this recipe over to your daily life in order to maintain that figure. Until then, enjoy your smoothie!

flat belly smoothie

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